Agent Availability Thresholds for Predictive Campaigns

Agent Availability Thresholds for Predictive Campaigns

When the Supervisor starts the predictive campaign, in a first time-window the campaign is started using a progressive typology. After the first time-window, the dialer will use the call statistics gathered during the first time-window to calculate the number of calls per second to be made in the next time interval. Once the second interval is finished, the predictive will have more and more data on which to set the prediction for the next time intervals.

Please note that in the prediction calculation the dialer does not take into account the number of available Agents: the calculation is based instead on information such as the average call time, the average call waiting time, and so on.

In some cases, the Supervisor may wish to monitor the available Agents anyway and to force the re-calculation of the prediction. This may happen when there are many Agents available and few calls made per second or when there are few Agents available and many calls made per second.

To find a solution to the problem, two predictive thresholds (minimum and maximum) have been defined.

To better explain these functions, let us suppose that in a normal working day there is a pause period in which many Agents disconnect simultaneously from XCALLY. If the predictive had calculated a certain number of calls per second, you risk dropping a certain percentage of calls, until the next time-interval is triggered.

Using the Min Threshold percentage parameter, the Supervisor can configure when the dialer has to recalculate the prediction, in the case of Agents no longer available with respect to the previous interval.

What has been explained so far also applies to the Max Threshold percentage value, but in this case the parameter refers to when the number of available Agents connected to XCALLY is greater than the available Agents present in the previous interval.

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