V3 App Zone [PLUGIN]

V3 App Zone [PLUGIN]

What's about

In the App Zone section you can define the external applications you want to use inside XCALLY Motion environment. 

The type of integration you can achieve can be:

  • Html: in this case you will open a web page or a custom html file using a link internal to an XCALLY Motion Module;

  • Script: in this case the application will be installed and run as a "local" application. 

All you need to do is to:

  • develop a Plugin, where the software is provided either by third parties and Partners and by the XCALLY developing team;

  • upload it in your server configuration Plugins;

  • install the plugin;

  • enable the users and/or the agents to use it.


Here’s a list of available plugins. Click on the icon to see how to use them:










Plugin Samples

Download the samples clicking on the images:


Upload and Install a Plugin

In the App Zone section, click on the Upload Icon (on the bottom right).

Drop the .zip file in the dialog window and click on “finish”. 

NB. The plugin zip file must be 50 MB maximum.


At the end the plugin will be shown in the Plugins list:

Click on and then install the plugin: 

and the installation process starts:

At the end of the process the Active mark for the plugin is set  and the application name is inserted in the Plugins Menu section (if the app is configured in order to be available to the admin):

Once the plugin has been installed, it can be started/stopped (script only), unistalled, removed or edited and modified.

Edit/Modify a Plugin

Click on and then on Edit plugin.

The Settings for the Script type Plugin are as in the following screenshot:

The values shown in the Settings must be defined in the manifest.json file before uploading the plugin

In the following screenshot you can see the Settings of an HTML type Plugin:

Add the Plugin to the Staff

Edit the Staff members Profile and enable the Plugin in order to let them use it (of course, if the application settings allows it):

User Profile:

Agent Profile:


For the Users with Admin role, all modules are enabled by default


How to create a Plugin

Step 1: Manifest reference

The manifest.json must contains the configuration of your plugin and must be included inside the zip file, like in the following example:

Script Example
{ "name": "MyScriptPlugin", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "Displays the MyPlugin", "author": { "name": "AuthorName", "email": "name@name.com", "website": "https://www.name.com" }, "type": "script", "sidebar": "always", "icon": "icon-apps", "parameters": { "scriptName": "my-plugin", "scriptPath": "app/index.js", } }



Html Example
{ "name": "MyHtmlPlugin", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "Displays the myPlugin", "author": { "name": "AuthorName", "email": "name@name.com", "website": "https://www.name.com" }, "type": "html", "sidebar": "adminOnly", "icon": "icon-apps", "parameters": { "views": { "admin": "https://www.name.com" } }





Specifies a name for the plugin. Required.


Specifies a version number for the plugin. Required.


Specifies the plugin’s functionality. Required.


Specifies the author of the plugin. It contains a JSON object with the following properties:

  • name:  an individual or a company.

  • email: the address to which users can send support requests.

  • website: url pointing to a page about the author or the plugin.


Specifies the type of the plugin. Required.

  • html: displays the url or the custom html page specified.

  • script: launch the Node.js application provided inside the zip.


Specifies the plugin’s visibility [default: always]

  • always: visible on both admin’s and agent’s sidebar

  • adminOnly: visible on the admin’s sidebar only

  • agentOnly: visible on the agent’s sidebar only

  • never: hidden on both admin’s and agent’s sidebar



Specifies the icon that will be displayed on the agent’s sidebar. [default: icon-apps]

Here it’s possible to see all the Motion default icons that can be inserted:

Pdf Icon List:



Contains all the information needed for the correct functioning of the plugin. Required.

  • scriptName: the name used for the new process when starting the Node.js application. Required for script type plugin only.

  • scriptPath: the path to where the Node.js application launcher file is located. Required for script type plugin only.

  • views: a JSON object with the following properties (required for html type plugin only):

    • admin: an url or the path to a custom html file that will be displayed on the admin side

    • agent: an url or the path to a custom html file that will be displayed on the agent side


Motion Variables

You can use User Variables in the agent view property (i.e. https://www.name.com?name={{user.name}}))


Step 2: Create the Plugin Application and the .zip file

As an example we consider a Script Plugin:

The application must be developed in node.js like in the following example:

var express = require('express'); var app = express(); app.listen(9006, function () { console.log('Sample Node Application Plugin Service listening on port ' + 9006); });


Remember that the pakage.json file must be added in the zip file, according to the node.js specification. For more information click here.

and this is the corresponding manifest.json file:

{ "name": "Sample Script", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "Sample plugin developed in Node.js", "author": { "name": "Xenialab", "email": "xenialab@xcally.com", "website": "https://www.xcally.com/en/" }, "type": "script", "sidebar": "always", "parameters": { "scriptName": "sample", "scriptPath": "app/index.js", "views": { "admin": "admin/index.html", "agent": "https://www.xcally.com/en/" } }


The script can use the XCALLY Motion style (angular material): in this case it must be defined in the index.html file.


Plugin automatic restart system

The plugin restart system is an opt-in fix and requires enabling .env variables.
The restart system must allow restarting after a chosen time delay, in order to give XCALLY time to fully boot before plugins start making requests.

The restart system is disabled by default


.env variables:

  • XC_PLUGIN_RESTART = If set to false, or not present, plugin will not restart

  • XC_PLUGIN_RESTART_DELAY = If plugin restart is active, and this variable is not set, by default is 300 seconds (5 minutes). On the other hand, if the restart plugin is active and the variable is set, the restart waits for the indicated seconds of delay

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