Instant - Variables & Templates

Instant - Variables & Templates


A variable is a container that has a name and a value. XCALLY Motion has a list of variables that can be used to access information about Omni Channel Interactions.
In addition to these, you are able to create your custom variables that can be used within the entire Motion system.

For more information about all the Asterisk Variables that can be used see here

You can find the Variables section under Tools menu and you can create a variable, click on New Variable button:

Enter variable Name and Description then click on Add Variable. After the variable is created, you can view it in the list of variables.

Edit or Delete a Variable

Find the variable from the variables list (you can use the search box on the top-right of the page to filter) and Click on Edit Variable. 
Edit Name or description and click on Save.

To delete a single variable, find the variable in the variables list and click Delete Variable:

To delete multiple variables, select the list of variables by marking the checkbox on the left side, click on Delete button and click OK to confirm:

You can use Motion standard variables and custom variables in your Motion system according to your needs.

The following are some of the sections where variables can be used:

  • Triggers

    • to customize web pop-up displayed for agents

    • to pass custom parameters to a web or windows application

    • to forward custom parameters in HTTP GET/POST request

  • Templates:

    • to customize the content with the values you need

Set a Variable

You can set (assign) the value of a variable to a constant (string, number, etc.) or another variable (Asterisk variables or custom variables).


You need to insert as:

  • variable: the variable name

  • value: the variable within {}

In this example, we are setting accountname variable to an Asterisk variable {{account.name}}. After the setting, the variable contains the account name.

The syntax you need to use to access the value of a variable for Triggers and Templates is:


On WhatsApp trigger, you must place the variable inside {{ }} to pass e.g. custom parameters in a CTI URL query string.
At the same time you must place the variable inside {{ }} to display the content of the variable in template configuration


Variables for Omni Channels

In this section you find the variables that can be used in OmniChannels Notifications, Templates and Canned Answers.

The syntax that must be used to embed the variable within the template is as follows: {{VARIABLENAME}}

Example 1: 

Account: {{account.name}} 

Example 2 (for Notifications):

{{#queue}}Queue: {{queue.name}}{{/queue}}

In this case only if (#) the queue variable exists, the template renders the queue variable

Depending on the variable you want to call up (at user, account, queue,contact, interaction, message, list or body level), you can use these types of syntax:




Used by




Used by

User field


name_field is one of the following:

  • id

  • name

  • fullname

  • userpic

  • alias

  • Template

  • Canned Answer

Account field


name_field is one of the following:

  • id

  • name

  • key

  • Notification

  • Template

  • Canned Answer

Queue field


name_field is one of the following:

  • id

  • name

  • Notification

  • Template



name_field with:

  • id



  • Notification

  • Template

  • Canned Answer



name_field with:

  • id

  • Notification

  • Template



name_field is one of the following:

  • id

  • name

  • description

  • Notification

  • Template


Customize Notification Alert with variables

The Administrator can customize the notification of a new interaction in order to show to the Agent information about the source, the sender, the queue and so on.

The Setting section of the Notification is under the general settings of the channel account and allows to:

  • enable/disable the notification sound 

  • enable/disable the notification shake effect

  • define notification contents and style in the Template section (by defining which information to show about the specific interaction using XCALLY Motion variables with syntax {{VARIABLENAME}} )


A Template is a predesigned HTML layout that can be customized according to an individual preference. The simple HTML editor enables you to easily add images, links and apply styles to your text. You can also use variables in your template to customize the content with the values you need. For example, a template can be used to customize the popup to display name, number and queue for agents (so you can retrieve the created template when you configure triggers).

Variable must be used in {{VARIABLENAME}} format


The Templates Section is under the Tools Menu and you can create a new Template you just click on the + button, then you specify its name, the subject and then write the text:

To Edit a Template go on the Templates List, click on 3 dots button and then on Edit Template.