

   In this section, users with the proper skills (e.g. System Administrator) will find useful information about the environment where the XCALLY Motion has been installed.

On this page:


Under the General tab, you will find the following information about the system:

  • Operating system
  • CPU
  • Memory
  • Hard disk
  • Network Interface
  • Last 10 processes sorted by CPU usage

This information is helpful to understand if the server meets the hardware requirements for running your Motion system properly.


Under the Processes tab, you can:

  • see information (Status, Memory and CPU usage) about the processes that run when Motion starts:
    • ami service manages asterisk, reports and real-time information
    • agi service manages cally square projects
    • email service is used for delivering emails for Motion services
    • pm2-logrotate service manages log files
  • start/stop a process directly from the GUI by clicking on the Actions buttons / 
  • see useful commands for managing Motion processes

In case one service crashes, you just need to restart the specific service rather than the entire motion system. Remember to restart a service when you modify its system parameters in order to apply the changes

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