Tiger Dial Analytics

Tiger Dial Analytics

In the Shuttle Analytics -> Reports section you can find Drag and Drop Reports already created about the Tiger Dial module.

Note that is also possible to create your own reports.

Details Report
It shows all the calls originated using the Tiger Dial processes and, for each call, the data about the Process, the Spooler, the Channel and the Call Status.

Group by process Report
It shows, for each Tiger Dial process, the number of originated calls.

Group by status Report
It shows, for each spooler status, the number of calls belonging to it and the relative process.

Group by contact Report
It shows, for each Tiger Dial contact, the number of originated calls and the relative process.

Call History Logs

Tiger Dial stores the full details of the calls in the table called call_history_logs.
Here the description of all the fields of the table: