Add Contacts in the List

Add Contacts in the List

When you edit a List you will find, in addition to the General Settings, also a Contacts section. Here you can add contacts to your list, view the imported contacts and delete them from the list.

Import a Single Contact

1. Click on the Add contact button
2. Fill in the form with the information of the contact: Phone, Name, Account code, Description and Extended Time Interval
3. Click on Save Changes


Import Multiple Contacts

1. Click on the Upload List Contacts button
2. Select your .csv Contacts List file

3. Complete the Data Binding, defining which columns of your file represent respectively the Name, the Account Code, Description, Extended Time Interval, the Phone Number (i.e. as shown in the image Phone -> phone) and the select your Custom Variables (stored as Asterisk channel variables).

4. Click on Save Changes
5. Wait until the upload of the list is complete and click on Close.


Associate multiple phone numbers to a Contact

When you import a single contact, you can insert one or multiple phone numbers separated by comma.

When you upload a .csv file, in the Data Binding, you can select more than one phone field as Phone.

If you have a contact with multiple phone numbers, Tiger Dial will cal the first number; if the call fails, at the next retry (based on retry parameters) it will cal the second number and so on...


If you have made correctly the Data Binding you will see, after a page reload, the uploaded contacts, as shown below. From this view you can delete a Contact.




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