Create the List

Create the List

The Lists -> Contact Lists section is dedicated to manage the Lists of Contacts that Tiger Dial will call through its Processes.

You can create a new List or import a List from the xCALLY Contact Management Module.

Create a New List

1. Click on the New List button
2. Complete the form, typing the Name and the Description of the List
3. Click on Save Changes.

At the end of this procedure you can see a row containing your new list.
Then you can edit or delete it according to your needs, by clicking on the Edit or Delete buttons.

Edit a list

By clicking on the Edit button you will access to the Contact List’s General Settings, where you can change its Name and Description.

In the Contacts tab you can upload and view your contacts.

Import a List from the Contact Management Module

You can also import, into the Tiger Dial -> List -> Contact Lists section, a List of contacts already created in the Contact Management module.
1. Click on the Import from CM button.
2. Complete the Data Binding, defining which columns of the CM List represent respectively the Name, the Account Code, Description, Extended Time Interval, the Phone Number (i.e. as shown in the image Phone -> phone) and select your Custom Variables (stored as Asterisk channel variables).

3. Click on Save Changes.

At the end of this procedure you can see a row containing your new list and the CM label.
Then you can edit or delete it according to your needs, by clicking on the Edit or Delete buttons.

Edit a CM list

By clicking on the Edit button you will access to the Contact List’s General Settings, where you can change its Name and Description.
In the Contacts tab you can:
- upload and view your contacts
- synchronize the list to the Contact Management list, clicking on the Synchronize to CM list button. In this way, if there are new contacts in the Contact Management list, they will be added also in the Tiger Dial list.

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