Login to Web Interface (Admin)

Login to Web Interface (Admin)

What’s about

Log in to https://YOUR-MOTION-IPADDRESS/login (insert the name of your actual server) using your login name and password: 

Thanks to the intuitive Admin Web Interface, it is possible to configure the overall XCALLY environment:

From the left-side Menu, you can find all the available XCALLY Motion programs and utilities.
Hint: if you prefer to minimize this menu bar just click on the button  and the window will be resized. Click again to maximize it.

Log In with Security Suite enabled

If the Security Suite is enabled, the password must respect the following security rules: it must contain at least 8 characters and have at least 1 lowercase character, one uppercase character, one numeric character and one of the following special characters ~!@#$%^&-_=+[{]}.

Any time the password is changed, the new one must be different from the old one.

The new password will last 90 days: after that it must be changed again.

You will be informed at login, starting from 15 days before password expiration:

Forget your password

  1. Click on Forgot Password?

  2. Enter the e-mail address associated to the login name

3. You will receive a link via email. Click on this link and change the password (This link expires in one hour: if you cannot use it you should start a new reset procedure).

This function works only if SMTP service is set properly.

If the Security Suite is enabled, the new password must respect the following security rules: it must contain at least 8 characters and have at least 1 lowercase character, one uppercase character, one numeric character and one of the following special characters ~!@#$%^&-_=+[{]}.

Socket Disconnection for Network Problems

If you encounter a network problem during your XCALLY Motion work session, you will be warned by this error message:

It will disappear when the connection is reestablished.

License Expiration Notification at Login

If you are notified your license is going to expire:

please verify your License and contact our team at license@xcally.com ASAP!

If you access Web GUI and you receive Error “Unknown authorization format

click here to explore the documentation


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