V3 Teams

V3 Teams

XCALLY Section

Staff → Teams

On this page

What is a Team?

A Team is a convenient way to manage a collection of agents.
You can use teams to add/remove multiple agents to a queue (a voice queue or a dialer campaign queue).

You can find the Teams section under the Staff menu:

Create a Team

To create a team click the New Team button  and enter Name and Description (optional) then click Add Team.

After the team is created, you can view the team in the list of teams.

You can edit the team, add agents to a team or add a team to a queue.

Edit/Modify a Team

Find the Team from the Team list (you can use the search box on the top-right of the page to filter) and Click on 3 dots button:

Edit Team

You can edit the Team profile where it’s possible to change the Team Name or description 

Add agents to a Team

On pop-up screen, use the search box to find the agent you want to add and then click on it.
You can add more than one agent or click on  to add all agents to the team.
All changes are automatically saved.

Delete Teams

To delete a single Team, find the Team in the list and Delete:

To delete multiple Teams you can select the list of teams to delete by marking the checkbox on the left side and then click on Delete button (ok to confirm):


Export List of Teams

To export list of teams in CSV, select the list of teams to export by marking the checkbox on the left side and click on the icon Export button:

Teams section on New Experience


If you enable New Client Experience, you can view this visualisation, with the list of created teams:



From this menu, you can:

  • search for a specific team

  • clear all filters

  • manage columns, by selecting or not them

Moreover by clicking on the button


you will reset the table with original columns




Moreover you can order elements in ascending or descending order, by clicking on arrows, while you can activate the advanced search for each field


equals / not equals / less than / less than or equal to / greater than / greater than or equal to

numeric value


starts with / contains / not contains / ends with / equals / not equals

textual value

Created at

select range date from the calendar


Updated at

select range date from the calendar



starts with / contains / not contains / ends with / equals / not equals

textual value

To create a new team, you can click on Add and indicate:

  • team name

  • optional description

By clicking on 3 dots button of a team, you can:



  • edit the team, by changing name

  • associate agents, selecting them from the modal (example below)

  • delete the team

To associate agents, you can click on an available one and click on:




to add the selected option



to add all the available agents



to remove the agent from the right column



to remove all the selected agents

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