V3 Music On Hold

V3 Music On Hold

What’s about

In the Music On Hold section, you can manage the Music On Hold class that can be used for V3 Queues and Queue Campaigns
The Music On Hold Section is under the Voice Menu bar:

From the search bar it is possible to search a music on hold by id, name and mode

Create a Music On Hold

To create a Music On Hold class, click on 

Enter the following details and click on Add Music On Hold

  • Name

  • Mode: Files or Custom

Files Mode is used to create a Music On Hold class where you can add multiple audio files that will be played when a caller is waiting in a queue. By default, the sound files are played alphabetically but you can also play randomly by setting the sort to random.

Custom Mode is used to execute a custom application (like streaming radio) when a caller is waiting in a queue.

Edit a Music On Hold

Find the Music On Hold from the list and Click on Edit Music On Hold. 

You can modify Music On Hold parameters under the Settings tab.

Add Music On Hold Sounds

If you have created a Music On Hold in Files Mode, you must upload sound files that will be played for the caller. To add sounds, find the Music On Hold from the list, click on Edit Music On Hold and go under Audio Files tab

Click on , select a sound file you have uploaded under Sounds section and click on Add Music On Hold Sound

After you have added the sound, you can playback, download or delete the sound.


Customize default Music On Hold

This customisation is applied to Music On Hold sounded when the agent places the caller onhold

If you want to dynamically change the default MusicOnHold class during the call flow, follow below instructions:

  • Create your custom moh class and add your audio files

  • Create variable CHANNEL(musicclass)

Please refer here to create a Variable


  • Update MOH class on runtime

1a. If you use Internal/Inbound dialplan, you need to add the Set application with following syntax


1b. If you use CallySquare project, you need to add the Set block with following syntax



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