Quality Analysis with Open AI Whisper


You need to create an OpenAI account

XCALLY Configuration

  • From XCALLY Tools, configure the Cloud Provider. Click on the button:

  • Add the Open AI Account:

  • insert a name

  • choose OpenAI as Service

  • paste ApiKey that you have to retrieve from your OpenAI account. Discover how, click here


How it works

If you want to launch AI feature using the New Client Experience explore this documentation

If you want to launch Transcribe by default with OpenAI, you need to choose on Settings → General → Quality Analysis your account on Trascribe configuration

  • Then on Voice Recordings you can run transcribe


  • a modal will open with the default Account set on settings section

You always have the default Account but you can change it with another account if for example you have multilingual recordings and you know that with some languages AWS Transcription is best performing. In contrast, other language transcriptions work better with OpenAI.
If you select a different account from the default one, this will not be changed in the settings section

So when you click on Start transcription, the system starts it


Transcript: Call transcript. Open AI’s Whisper uses machine-learning models to convert speech to text

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