Quality Analysis: Categories

Quality Analysis: Categories


What’s about

Categories are groups of filters, useful to analyse voice recordings only on Post Call Analytics
By default all created categories are automatically applied to Call Analytics transcripts. Remember that to apply categories to your transcripts, you must create them before submitting the transcript request, as categories cannot be applied retroactively.

Call Analytics categories are composed of rules. For each category, you must create between 1 and 20 rules.


  • Feature available from version 3.36.0 and developed on New Client Experience interface

  • Categories are available only for AWS

  • To create categories, you need to enable on your license Quality Analysis


Video Tutorial




From QA Categories section, you can view all created categories and the relative provider.
The unique key consists of provider + unique name


First of all you have to select the AWS Region


And then you can create a new category, by clicking on Add category

And insert:


  • Unique name (it is considered as a key, so spaces are not accepted, you can only insert underscore)

  • AWS Region (by default the system will insert the one selected before, but it’s possible to change it)

  • AWS Provider

  • Rules to define that can be of 4 types (described below)

Types of rules

You can configure 4 types of rules

If you create more rules, they must all occur in order to track the desired elements in the voice recording


This rule marks the presence or absence of interruptions in Call Analytics transcript output. It is useful to check whether the agent behaves correctly or whether the client is aggressive during the conversation, by interrupting the agent

These rules are designed to correspond to:

  • Cases where an agent interrupts a customer

  • Cases in which a customer interrupts an agent

  • One of the participants interrupts the other (by choosing both - default option)

  • Lack of interruptions (by selecting Negate option)

Applicable Fields


Applicable Fields



Enable it to mark voice recordings that do not contain interruptions. Leave it disable to mark voice recordings that contain interruptions.

Time Range

Absolute = Allows you to specify a time interval (in milliseconds) in the audio, during which you want to search for an interruption

Relative = Allows you to specify a time interval (in percent) in the media file, during which you want to search for an interruption



Specify if you want to search interruptions Agent side, Customer side or Both. By default the system is set on Both participants


Specify the duration of the interruptions in milliseconds. For example, you can mark a speech that contains more than 10.000 milliseconds of interrupts.
Valid interval: minimum 0, maximum value of 14.400.000.



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Non-Talk Time

This rule represents the presence or absence of silent periods in the Call Analytics transcript output, by respecting the set mandatory threshold. During a conversation, physiological pauses are normal, but by setting the rule, the system tracks if there are longer pauses (e.g., if the customer has been put on hold)

These rules are designed to match:

  • The presence of silence at certain times during the call

  • The presence of voice at certain times during the call (by selecting Negate option)

Applicable Fields


Applicable Fields



Enable it to mark speech periods. Leave it disable to mark silence

Time Range

Absolute = Allows you to specify a time interval (in milliseconds) in the audio, during which you wish to get a period of silence

Relative = Allows you to specify a time interval (in percent) in the media file, during which you want to search for a period of silence


Specify the duration, in milliseconds, of the silence period you wish to mark.
For example, you can mark a period of silence that lasts 30.000 milliseconds.

Valid interval: minimum 0, maximum value of 14.400.000.


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This feature underlines the presence or absence of specific sentiments detected in the Call Analytics transcript output. By default the sentiment is analysed on both participants

The rules are designed to match:

  • The presence or absence of a positive sentiment experienced by both participants at specific points in the call

  • The presence or absence of a negative feeling felt by both participants at specific points in the call

  • The presence or absence of a neutral feeling felt by both participants at specific points in the call

  • The presence or absence of a mixed feeling felt by both participants at specific points in the call

Applicable Fields


Applicable Fields



Enable it to mark sentiments not included in the request. Leave it disable to mark sentiments included in the request

Time Range

Absolute = Allows you to specify a time interval (in milliseconds) in the audio, during which you want to search for the specified feelings

Relative = Allows you to specify a time interval (in percent) in the media file, during which you want to search for the specified sentiments


Specify the sentiments to be marked among Positive, Negative, Neutral, Mixed (mandatory field)


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This rule regards the presence or absence of specific words or phrases detected in the Call Analytics transcript output. A phrase is a set of words separated by space and the words/phrases to be searched are separated by ;
By inserting more words/phrases, the category is activated if it finds at least 1 of the given words

These rules are designed to match:

  • Custom words or phrases spoken by the agent, the customer, or both

  • Custom words or phrases not spoken by the agent, the customer, or both (by setting negate option)

  • Custom words or phrases that occur during a specific period

Applicable Fields


Applicable Fields



Enable it to mark the absence of the sentence in the request. Leave it disable to mark the presence of the sentence in the request

Time Range

Absolute = Allows you to specify a time interval (in milliseconds) in the audio, during which you want to search for the specified key words or phrases

Relative = Allows you to specify a time interval (in percent) in the media file, during which you want to search for the specified key words or phrases



Specify the participant you wish to mark (Agent, Customer or Both). Omission of this parameter is equivalent to specifying both participants



Specify the sentences to be marked (mandatory field). It marks the presence or absence of an exact match with the specified phrases. For example, if you specify the phrase “talk to a manager” as Targets value, only that specific phrase is marked.
You need to insert minimum 1 element (Maximum length is 2000)

Note that semantic matching is not supported. For example, if the costumer says “talk to the manager” instead of “talk to a manager,” the content is not marked.


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Types of intervals




You can set Absolute Time Range with interval:

  • Start - End (e.g. Start 1000 ms - End 12000 ms). So rule to be searched in the inserted interval of voice recordings with start and end

  • First (e.g. interval from recording start to 12.000 ms)

  • Last (e.g. interval from 13.000 to the end of recording)

Otherwise you can set Relative Time Range with interval:

  • Start ( % ) - End ( % ) | (e.g. Start 20% - End 80%)

  • First (e.g. interval from recording start to %)

  • Last (e.g. interval from % to recording end)

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