V3 Email

V3 Email


In this section, you can configure the email server that can be used for delivering emails for Motion services like reset password and scheduled reports.

The following are list of parameters required to set up an account:

  • Account Name: a name you want to use to identify the SMTP account, like Gmail or Yahoo

  • Key of maximum 5 characters

  • Service: you can select one of the available default services to simplify the server configuration (Outlook365, Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail or custom)

  • Email address: specify the origin email address of the messages (from)

  • List of contact manager

  • Active button to switch on/off

  • Mark as unread setting allows Agents to receive mail interactions on this account and mark them as unread

  • Wait for the Assigned Agent: the time a new message waits for the same Agent currently managing the interaction (with closed tab) to accept it, when the Agent is not available on the system because logged out or in pause. By default 10 seconds; the allowed values range is 1-2147483.

  • Wait for the Assigned Queue: If the Agent currently managing the interaction doesn't accept a new message within the Assigned Agent Timeout or rejects it, the interaction is transferred to the Queue which the Agent is part of. The parameter Wait for the Assigned Queue is the time a new message waits for an Agent in that Queue to accept it, before proceeding with the action plan. By default 10 seconds; the allowed values range is 1-2147483. 
    (explore here documentation about transfer)

  • Description: optional description of the account


This section is visible only if you use a custom email


You can review or change the following values for the Internet Message Access Protocol:

  • IMAP Host

  • IMAP Port

  • SSL: enable/disable the Secure Sockets Layer encryption protocol to secure communication. By disabling it, the option Accept any certificate will be hidden

  • Accept any certificate (default=false) to allow you to use an on premise mail server with an invalid SSL certificate (examples of invalid SSL certificates: use a self-signed certificate, expired certificate, Certificate Authority deprecate)

  • Authentication: by enabling it, you need anso to indicate:

    • username used for authentication

    • password used for authentication

  • Mailbox: default inbox used 

  • Connection Timeout expressed in seconds: timeout for connecting to the server (default=10. You can increase this value if necessary)

  • Authentication Timeout expressed in seconds: timeout for authentication (default=5. You can increase this value if necessary)

Troubleshooting: if an authorization error like the one in the image appears, you need to enable the “Accept any certificate” flag only at your risk IF YOU TRUST THE MAIL SERVER (example it is a server which you own or a by a trusted partner)



This section is visible only if you use a custom email


You can review or change the following values for the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol:



  • SMTP Host

  • SMTP Port

  • Secure option: If true, the connection will use TLS when connecting to server

  • Authentication, by using username and password



This section is visible if you use a default email (gmail, hotmail, outlook etc.)



In this section you can define the parameters for the Authentication:

  • Username: username for authentication inserted during email account creation

  • Password: password for authentication inserted during email account creation



If instead you enable Modern Authentication you need to indicate:

  • Username used for authentication

  • Modern Authentication Email: email used to login with modern authentication

  • Cloud Provider: used for authentication

(if you select Outlook365 you can visit this page to learn more about Modern Authentication for Outlook365 and configure it). 



  • SSL: enable/disable the Secure Sockets Layer encryption protocol to secure communication. By disabling it, the option Accept any certificate will be hidden

  • Mailbox: default inbox used 

  • Connection Timeout expressed in seconds: timeout for connecting to the server (default=10. You can increase this value if necessary)

  • Authentication Timeout expressed in seconds: timeout for authentication (default=5. You can increase this value if necessary)



You can define a Template, where you can specify a default body (font family, size and text) of all email messages sent from this account. 

You can also insert your company logo, define the text style and other parameters. 

It is also possible to insert variables in this section in order to render some dynamic contents.

The Administrator can customize the notification of a new interaction in order to show to the Agent information about the source, the sender, the recipient queue and so on.

In fact you can:

  • enable/disable the notification sound 

  • enable/disable the notification shake effect

  • define notification contents and style in the Template section (here you can define which information to show about the specific interaction using XCALLY Motion variables).

The Transfer section allows you to define if the email messages received by the account can be transferred by Agents to a Queue or/and to another Agent.

When the flag is switched on, you must define the timeout (the time in seconds the message will wait to be accepted before returning back as unread). 

You can explore documentation about transfer at this link





Enable Mandatory Disposition feature if you want the Agent to be forced to dispose the interactions managed and set the Agent pause status to be automatically applied during this operation (default=NO).



Moreover you can indicate hostname used for multiserver configurations. Find it under the System section







It’s possible to filter incoming email by IMAP headers and this feature is useful for Antispam and Antivirus scanner


Dispositions and Canned Answers

You can create dispositions and canned answers specific for the email account.

See here How to Manage Dispositions.

Click here to find out how to configure canned answers


Invitation emails

From this section it’s possible to create a customizable template which includes the information about how to access, credentials, link and so on, which can be sent by email to the new users or agents created.


Clicking on edit button of the created template or on + button to create a new one, you can enter Key, subject and value



  • Key must be unique

  • Parameters entered in value or subject must be entered in {{ }} (e.g. {{ user.name }})


After creating the template, on Settings → General → Global tab you can select in invitation email the created template to use for invitation, while in invitation link base address you can indicate the Motion URL.
These fields regulate the email sending and it is necessary to indicate both to send correctly the invitation emails.

By default no template is selected and if it is not inserted, it’s not possible to send invitation email


So each new users will receive the mail and the invitation link base address will redirect him to login page, where user has to insert a new password and automatically logged in.

However it’s possible to manually send email to users/agents from staff section, by selecting 3 dots → send invitation or through multiple selections → invite selected on message letter icon where you can view an email preview

Actions and Interactions

On action tab you can create dialplan of actions followed by an email interaction: explore here documentation about it
On interactions section you can find the list of all the email interactions occurred on the Account (find out here more details)

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