V3 View Audit History in the Log Files
The Server Administrator can find and read the Audit Log files in:
These log files report all the CRUD actions made on the Motion Server via API and the agent/user id and name that performed that action.
Here you find some examples of the activities traced in the log files:
Create/Read/Update/Delete entries
The audit log files have a maximum capacity of 100 MB (10 files of 10 MB each on rotation).
A typical format of the log file is the following:
[2018-05-30 13:41:01] [INFO] api - GET /api/variables?fields=createdAt,updatedAt,id,name,description&limit=10&offset=0&sort=-updatedAt 206 31ms id=1 name=admin role=admin
[2018-05-30 13:41:01] - Log date
[INFO] - Log level
GET - HTTP METHOD - Remote Client IP Address
/api/variables?fields=createdAt,updatedAt,id,name,description&limit=10&offset=0&sort=-updatedAt - Requested endpoint and its parameters
31ms - Time elapsed between request and API response
id=1 - Requester User/Agent Id
name=admin - Requester User/Agent Name
role=admin - Requester User/Agent Role
In the following example instead, we see the log for the actions performed by an Administrator on the queue id 47 (create, update, delete):
[2018-05-31 11:51:52] [INFO] api - POST /api/voice/queues 201 37ms id=1 name=admin role=admin
[2018-05-31 11:52:04] [INFO] api - PUT /api/voice/queues/47 200 30ms id=1 name=admin role=admin
[2018-05-31 11:53:04] [INFO] api - DELETE /api/voice/queues/47 204 24ms id=1 name=admin role=admin
For further debugging purposes you may also enable this debug feature:
edit the hidden file /var/opt/motion2/.env and uncomment this line as follows
then restart the Motion Service following this procedure: https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ADWI/pages/1853652993/Environment+variables#How-to-apply-environment-variables
Please note that this action will write more information in all the log files contained in /var/log/xcally/ causing a faster rotation.