V3 Recordings
XCALLY section | Cally Square → Recordings |
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What’s about
From Cally Square section, it is possible to access to Recordings.
Recordings section shows all the recordings made inside Cally Square projects:
For each recording, it is possible to see the following information:
Filename: the name of the file
Project: the name of the Cally Square project the call was recorded in
UniqueID: uniqueID of the call
Phone: caller phone number
Exten: the extension the caller dialed
Audio: hear a preview (ONLY for .wav format) or download call recordings
Created at: the date and the time of the recording
Application: the application from which the recording has been made (record, googleasr, awsasr)
Duration: the duration of the recording
From the three dots menu, it is possible to:
Download Square Recording
Delete Square Recording
Edit Square Recording
Download Recording Transcription (Available only for recording made by Google ASR and AWS ASR):
the transcription file is downloaded in .txt
the transcription reports the Confidence rate: the reliability of the transcription from the voice recording made by provider ASR
Please note the default recording path is /var/opt/motion2/server/files/recordings/
Recordings on New Client Experience
If you enable New Client Experience, you can view this visualisation, with the list of Cally Square recordings, with indication of:
ID and Unique ID
Cally Square Project and relative Application
Phone and extension
Audio file and duration
you can:
search for a specific recording
clear all filters
manage columns, by selecting or not them
activate the advanced search for each field
By clicking on 3 dots of a specific recording, you can edit the filename, download the file, delete it