Variable nodes and math

Variable nodes and math

What’s about

This group of boxes handles the variables and math operations.


The mathematical operation must follow the javascript rules: Operators and String Methods.


The box lets you set the value of a variable (previously defined in the IVR dashboard)



  • Label: here you can type a short description of the box

  • Variable: pickup list you can use to choose the variable you want to use, selecting from the variable list previously defined under Tools < Variable section. You can also create a variable from the toolbar (File < Variable).

  • Value: variable value, like the following:

    • Constant (digits or text)

    • An Asterisk variable in the format {VARIABLE_ASTERISK}

    • A generic non-asterisk variable previously defined in the Cally Square dashboard, in the format {VARIABLENAME}

    • Others

Please, note the variable format is slightly different from the Asterisk one. DO NOT use the $ character before the {}.

Example: the usual asterisk variable ${CALLERID(num)} MUST be defined just as {CALLERID(num)} in the Cally Square environment.

Exit Arrows

The box provides just one arrow out to the next step


Here you can perform complex mathematical operations during the call flow


  • Label: here you can type a short description of the box

  • Operation**: the mathematical operation

i.e. ({RECORD}*2)-4*7/(5*3)+62

i.e. array handler: '{INPUT_DATA}.split(";")'

  • Result: variable used to store the operation output

Exit Arrows

The box provides just one arrow out to the next step

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