V3 Email Accounts
XCALLY section | Email → Email Accounts |
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What’s about
With XCALLY Motion you can share a single mailbox among several agents and use it in a way similar to a voice queue.
XCALLY Motion offers a web client email specific to Customer Care needs, where the Agents share all information: what you need to do is just to configure IMAP accounts, already existing on your provider, and manage email exchange using XCALLY Motion, as well as for the other channels.
The Email Accounts Section
In this section, you can add New Email Accounts and manage the existing ones.
Add a New Email Account
Click on button to add a New Email Account:
Insert the requested values:
Name: the name of the email account
Key: here you can define a short name (5 char maximum) for the Account that will be shown on the Agents Tabs
Email Address: the origin email address of the messages (shown in the from field)
List: the default List where the new email contacts will be saved in the Contacts Manager, if it is not already there
Active: turn this flag on/off to activate/deactivate the Account
Service: you can select
one of the available default services and simplify the SMTP server configuration (i.e. Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Outlook 365);
Custom and specify the following values:
IMAP Host: IMAP address for receiving email (ask your email service provider)
IMAP Port: IMAP server typically listens on port number 993
SMTP Host: SMTP address for sending email (ask your email service provider)
SMTP Port: mail clients often submit the outgoing emails to an email server on port 465
To support OAuth authentication service, XCALLY supports integration with Microsoft 365 using OAuth 2.0: explore documentation about it
Authentication: turn this flag on to activate Security (using encryption protocol) using the following:
Username: authentication username
Password: authentication password
If you’re using a GMAIL account, please consult this page to insert the correct values. Gmail 2FA | Authenticate your Gmail Account on XCALLY
Description: an optional description of your Email Account
At the end click on Add Email Account.
On the Email Accounts list ,click on to:
Edit the Email Account
Verify SMTP connection
Go to Interactions list for the Account
Go to Realtime Email Account
Add Agent to Email Account
Delete Email Accounts
XCALLY Motion Email Channel service needs to be connected to the IMAP service of the mailing system: as soon as a new email message arrives, the IMAP server notifies XCALLY Motion which manages it providing a standard interface for all types of mailing systems.
Edit an Email Account
Editing an Email Account you have a list of Sections:
In this section, you can edit all the values inserted when adding the Email Account and:
activate/deactivate the Account
set the Mark as unread setting allows Agents to receive mail interactions on this account and mark them as unread if needed.
Users with admin role can mark interactions as unread from XCALLY version 3.47.0
Wait for the Assigned Agent: the time a new message waits for the same Agent currently managing the interaction (with closed tab) to accept it, when the Agent is not available on the system because logged out or in pause. By default 10 seconds; the allowed values range is 1-2147483.
Wait for the Assigned Queue: If the Agent currently managing the interaction doesn't accept a new message within the Assigned Agent Timeout or rejects it, the interaction is transferred to the Queue which the Agent is part of. The parameter Wait for the Assigned Queue is the time a new message waits for an Agent in that Queue to accept it, before proceeding with the action plan. By default 10 seconds; the allowed values range is 1-2147483.
(explore here documentation about transfer)write an optional Description
In this section you can define the parameters for the Authentication:
Username: username for authentication inserted during email account creation
Password: password for authentication inserted during email account creation
If you’re using a GMAIL account, please consult this page to insert the correct values. Gmail 2FA | Authenticate your Gmail Account on XCALLY
You can review or change the following values for the Internet Message Access Protocol:
SSL: enable/disable the Secure Sockets Layer encryption protocol to secure communication
Mailbox: default inbox used
Connection Timeout (sec): timeout for connecting to the server (default=10. You can increase this value if necessary)
Authentication Timeout (sec): timeout for authentication (default=5. You can increase this value if necessary)
Custom Service
If you choose Custom as Service in General Settings, IMAP and SMTP will replace Authentication section.
IMAP - Custom Service
In this section you can define the parameters for the Internet Message Access Protocol used by multiple email clients to access simultaneously to an email server in order to retrieve messages.
You can review or change the following values:
SSL: enable/disable the Secure Sockets Layer encryption protocol to secure communication
Authentication: enable Authentication to login
Username: username for authentication inserted during email account creation
Password: password for authentication inserted during email account creation
Mailbox: default inbox used
Connection Timeout (sec): timeout for connecting to the server (default=10. You can increase this value if necessary)
Authentication Timeout (sec): timeout for authentication (default=5. You can increase this value if necessary)
Connected to this, in Settings → General → IMAP Tab is located the parameter Login Mail Frequency, used for setting the interval time (in seconds) in which Motion executes polling for checking new emails. We suggest using a high value if you use numerous email accounts.
SMTP - Custom Service
In this section you can define the parameters for the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, the internet standard for sending electronic mail to an email server for relaying.
You can review or change the following values:
Secure: If enabled, the connection will use TLS when connecting to server
Authentication: enable Authentication to login
Username: username for authentication inserted during email account creation
Password: password for authentication inserted during email account creation
Click here for specific SMTP hints for Yahoo and Gmail
To test SMTP connection, from the Email Accounts list, click on :
You can define a Template, where you can specify a default body (font family, size and text) of all email messages sent from this account.
You can also insert your company logo, define the text style and other parameters.
It is also possible to insert variables in this section in order to render some dynamic contents.
The Administrator can customize the notification of a new interaction in order to show to the Agent information about the source, the sender, the recipient queue and so on.
In fact you can:
enable/disable the notification sound
enable/disable the notification shake effect
define notification contents and style in the Template section (here you can define which information to show about the specific interaction using XCALLY Motion variables).
If at least one of this flags is enabled, the agent will see this option among those available in order to manage an email interaction:
The Transfer section allows you to define if the email messages received by the account can be transferred by Agents to a Queue or/and to another Agent.
When the flag is switched on, you must define the timeout (the time in seconds the message will wait to be accepted before returning back as unread).
You can explore documentation about transfer at this link
This feature allows transferring an email interaction from an account to another
Explore here more information
Enable Mandatory Disposition feature if you want the Agent to be forced to dispose the interactions managed and set the Agent pause status to be automatically applied during this operation (default=NO).
Moreover you can indicate hostname used for multiserver configurations. Find it under the System section
IMAP headers filter
It’s possible to filter incoming email by IMAP headers and this feature is useful for Antispam and Antivirus scanner
This is the syntax for headers:
IMAP headers filter | Translation | imap search query to see in debug log |
Empty string | Filter not applied, default value string empty or null. | SEARCH UNSEEN |
x-antivirus-report | Accept emails only if there is a header called x-antivirus-report, regardless of its value. Headers' names are case-insensitive | SEARCH UNSEEN HEADER “x-antivirus-report” |
x-antivirus-report,x-antispam-evaluation-time | Accept emails only if having headers with such names, regardless of their work. Headers' names are case-insensitive | SEARCH UNSEEN HEADER “x-antivirus-report” HEADER “x-antispam-evaluation-time“ |
x-antivirus-report=SAFE | Accept emails having headers with that name and specifically that name. Headers' names are case-insensitive | SEARCH UNSEEN HEADER “x-antivirus-report” “SAFE“ |
x-antivirus-report=SAFE,x-antispam-evaluation-time | Accept emails having headers with that name and, if the value is defined, having also exactly that value, otherwise any value can be applied. Names are case insensitive, values are case sensitive | SEARCH UNSEEN HEADER “x-antivirus-report” “SAFE“ HEADER “x-antispam-evaluation-time“ |
These recommended filters mean that the emails have been scanned by Microsoft.
: antispam filter by Microsoft X-Microsoft-Antispam-Mailbox-Delivery
In this AI card you can select from the dropdown menu an XCALLY AI Agent Assistant, by enabling Assistant on your license. In this way when a textual conversation starts, the agent can ask help to the virtual assistant to find answers.
Include message on forward
By activating this option, it’s possible to always include previous message on email forward
Disable duplicate check
This setting can be useful to download again emails already saved in mail messages, but for any reason you want to make the email to be checked out again by marking the email as “unread” in your email account (e.g. Gmail).
The unread email will be downloaded again and create a new interaction.
Draft settings
With this function you can enable by default the autosave drafts (so agents do not need to intervene manually to save the draft)
The Dispositions created here will be available when the Agent disposes a mail message coming from this account
See here How to Manage Dispositions.
Canned Answers
Here you can set a list of canned answers that will be available only when the interaction comes from that Account.
Click on to find a specific item from the list:
or click on to add a new one:
Starting from version 3.44.0 it’s also possible to upload attachments (max 16Mb) in the canned answer, improving the efficiency and quality of responses sent to customers by agents:
When an agent selects a canned answer with an attachment, he will see directly the attachment in the email compose.
Canned Answers can be deleted or edited and modified: click on and choose the command you want to start:
General (marked by a small icon) and Local (specific for Account and marked by the Channel type icon) Canned Answers will be available as a blended list when exchanging messages from the Agent interface.
Actions - Define Email Routing
In this section you should define the Actions for the email account to be executed by adding applications, working rules and intervals.
So when a new email interaction arrives, it follows actions inserted here:
About Applications and Routing
Find out more here about the Applications List and routing operation
In this section you can find the list of all the email interactions occurred on the Account.
You can filter the interaction list by Start Date, Read/Unread, Status (Open/Closed), Agent, Tags:
or use the button to activate the Advanced Search and select a field to be matched with a value among a list of all those available.
When you click this button, the system will show you the following form:
Select the Field (scroll the list of all the available search fields)
2. Select the Operator among those available (eg.: equals, contains, starts with, and so on)
3.Select or insert the Value
4. Add the Condition (click on )
To add more conditions repeat the operation, like in the following example:
and choose:
whether the conditions must all be met:
or at least one of them:
When you finish, click on the button in order to start the search: the query is executed and all the items that match the conditions inserted are shown.
If you want to delete the advanced search condition inserted click on the single search condition button to delete it or click on the button in order to delete all the conditions set at once.
On this form it is possible to:
1a. modify a condition set: click on a set condition and press Edit
1b. now change the condition as you like(field, operator, value)
2a. temporarily disable the search condition: click on the set condition and press Disable:
2b. and enable it again:
When an advanced search selection is active
As long as the search conditions are operational, the Advanced Search button will notify it by changing its color (light blue on a white background) and blinking
The Advanced Search conditions will search all the List of the available entries, regardless of any filter applied to the list view using the above mentioned filters:
On this list, you can select one or many mail interactions and download the information about them in a CSV file (click on the corresponding checkbox and then on the icon ) or delete them (click on the corresponding checkbox and then on the trash bin ):
On the single interaction, the admin can use the three dots command menu in order to:
Spy the contents of an interaction thread
Download with Attachments downloads a zip file containing all the messages (numbered list of .eml files and attachments) exchanged in the thread
Download without Attachments downloads a zip file containing all the messages (numbered list of .eml files without the attachments) exchanged in the thread
Reschedule option
Delete Interaction permanently deletes the chosen interaction (a confirmation is required)
If you choose Spy the admin can:
view the interaction and he add an internal note (this will not be viewed by customers but only by internal agents), like in the following example:
download the interaction with or without attachments
click on 3 dots button to do some actions:
Reschedule email on a specific date and time
Insert a tag on the interaction
Transfer the interaction to other queue, agent or account
Set As a substatus
Mark as unread (if the option is enabled on settings general tab)
Interactions log files
Logs are var/log/xcally/mail-interactions-combined.yyyy-mm-dd.log and var/log/xcally/mail-interactions-error.yyyy-mm-dd.log
Add Agent to Email Account
On the Email Accounts list you can add Agents in two ways:
select the Email Account and click on , than choose the menu entry Add Agent to Email Account:
edit the Email Account and than click on the add menu button:
and select the agents from the list:
If the agents are not added to the Email Account, they will not be able to see the interactions exchanged in this account interactions list.