V3 Extracted Reports
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What’s about?
In the Extracted Reports section, you will find all reports you have exported from the Reports section.
You can see the following information:
Name of the report
Type of the report (Manual or Scheduled)
The report range of dates
When the report was extracted
Status of the extraction (Completed, Empty, Error)
Format of the report (CSV, PDF, XLS)
You can perform the following actions:
Download Extracted Reports
The Download Extracted Reports command will be shown only if the Report is not empty.
The default maximum length of the Reports is:
5000 records for CSV/XLS files
1000 records for PDF files
Any report exceeding this limit will be split into more files and compressed in a zip file.
This option can be disabled or the report files sizes can be modified in the Settings V3 General section (split report).
if you disable the report split you may lose the reports exceeding this limit!
Consider that split report feature is only taken into account when new report are generated (it is not retroactive).
Previously generated reports will still be downloaded with the configuration that was set when report was run.
Extracted Reports on New Client Experience
If you enable New Client Experience, you can view this visualisation, with the list of extracted reports:
you can:
search for a specific report
clear all filters
manage columns, by selecting or not them
activate the advanced search for each field
from the 3 dots menu, you can edit, download or delete the report
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