Call Flow

Call Flow

What’s about

In this group, you find the boxes useful to design the call flow according to:

  • The interaction between the customer and the application

  • The query results

  • The arithmetic calculation results

  • Other


This box lets you divert the call to another object like

  • Another IVR application

  • A queue rule

  • A fixed extension

  • Generally speaking a specific Asterisk context



  • Label: a brief description of the box

  • Context: here you can put a context name (check asterisk documentation for the “Context” definition).

If you use Cally Square combined with XCALLY this should be:

  • A rule name

  • An agent

  • A DID

  • Extension: in many cases it may be “s”, however you can place the extensions according to your dialplan needs (explore more information here)

  • Priority: priority of the application in the dialplan

The goto block will interrupt the IVR execution and route the call toward another extension. Still, before that, it will execute any final block with all its other following blocks, if there is any.


This block executes a conditional jump according to a comparison result




  • Label: brief description

  • Condition: it is the comparison condition. It could be:

    •    =

    •    < 

    •    > 

    •    !=

    •    <=

    •    >=

    •    || for “OR” and “&&” for “AND”

    • == equal to

    • === equal value and equal type

    • != not equal

    • !== not equal value or not equal type

A Condition example:

'{CHANNEL(language)}' == 'en' || '{CHANNEL(language)}' == 'fr'

The above condition is TRUE when the channel language is English or French

JS Operators

For more information, please refer to:


Exit Arrows

For this box you must create two exit arrows using the following values:

  • true: routes to the path in the IVR tree for the condition verified as true

  • false: routes to the path in the IVR tree for the condition verified as false


This box lets you make decisions based on the time intervals**



  • Label: a brief description of the box

  • Time interval: select the time interval pre-defined in the time intervals sections**

Exit Arrows

For this box, you must create two exit arrows using the following values:

  • true: routes to the path in the IVR tree for the time interval condition verified as true

  • false: routes to the path in the IVR tree for the time interval condition verified as false


This block is very similar to the menu block, unlike the fact that the pat the call will take depends on a variable. Indeed you can set a variable to be read and choose a branch depending on its value.



  • Label: brief description

  • Variable: here you can choose a variable from a pick up list

Exit Arrows

The block lets you draw many exit arrows depending on how many values the variable can assume.

In addition, there is a branch in case none of the branches values matches the value of the variable
Adding multiple choices for each output branch is possible: just use the comma-separated characters.


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